Home2023Month: March 2023


This month, STEP participated in the final meeting of the IE3 project in Belgium, where the participating organizations presented the final results.  In the project we were working together to reduce early school leaving by introducing Emotional Intelligence (EI) in different aspects of curricular and extracurricular activities. Dropping out of school is a persistent phenomenon...


INFURI Newsletter nr. 4 TRANSNATIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITY IN SLOVENIA Between March 20th and 25th, 2023, staff of the partner organisations gathered in Ljubljana (Slovenia) for the transnational learning activity of INFURI project. The “Train the Trainer“, hosted by STEP and Ornik, included different activities such as frontal presentations and group works. In particular, on the...

GrowMET Project Results

Constant changes in education (like digital teaching) demand new approaches. One of them is growth mindset theory. With a growth mindset it is easier to accommodate new skills and improve existing competencies. It leads to personal and professional growth, better teaching methods and more constructive work with parents. GrowMET project aims to empower teachers when...

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Dear all, your are welcome to read what is happening in the EMPOWER project, by clicking this link: 4th Newsletter EMPOWER You are also welcome to refresh your memory with a short video: https://youtu.be/1N_ewcwq4DE 

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STEP Institute is an innovative private non-profit organisation that deals with people development.
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STEP Institute is an innovative private non-profit organisation that deals with people development.
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Copyright © 2020 Step institute. Made by: Erpium