ProjectsUp to Youth: Promoting Future Digital Social Entrepreneurs

June 1, 2018

Duration: 1. 6. 2018 – 31. 6. 2020

Project reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA205-057895

»By banding together »digital entrepreneurship« and »social entrepreneurship« we aim to encourage young people to develop their skills for digital social entrepreneurship.«

These specific skills are required, to create and develop an up-to-date digital social enterprise. These range from those for promoting social inclusion such as life skills, social skills, and work skills, to support entry into the labor market. The most relevant priority of the project is “YOUTH: Promoting entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people”. Youth entrepreneurship is a valuable tool to combat youth unemployment and social exclusion as well as stimulating innovation among young people. Lastly, one of the project’s priorities is linked to open and innovative practices in the digital era. Rapidly changing technology has affected the functions and working styles within entrepreneurship, as well as almost every business branch.

The partnership consists of partners from Turkey, Portugal, Slovenia, Great Britain, and Greece.

 Outputs of the project

  • E-learning platform with the training materials
  • Trainer’s handbook for youth workers, academics, coaches, teachers, mentors and trainers who want to train youth in terms of Social Entrepreneurship and DSE
  • Needs analysis report which will help Social Entrepreneurs and D.S. Entrepreneurs to learn the legal framework of social entrepreneurship
  • Good practices and interviews with role models for youth to be inspired and learn tips from the experts.

The role of STEP Institute

We are responsible for the dissemination activities in the project. To make sure youth can benefit from this project, we are disseminating with a systematic modern approach, through different kinds of media. Since we are HRM experts, we cover topics connected with Human Resources and Team Management and Social needs analysis.


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Copyright © 2020 Step institute. Made by: Erpium