STEP BY STEP POLIGON: First Aid for Youth with Mental Health Difficulties
28th NOVEMBER 2024, 9:30 – 16:00
Cankarjev dom Vrhnika, Tržaška 25, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenia
We invite you to our international event STEP BY STEP POLIGON: First Aid for Youth with Mental Health Difficulties to strengthen your knowledge and skills for working with young people experiencing emotional and behavioural disorders and mental distress. The programme will include interactive theatre activities, case work and expert lectures.
The event is aimed at all those who work with young people, both in youth work and in primary and secondary schools and other organisations. We invite all those who are working with young people with mental health problems and are looking for practical approaches to successfully address these challenges. You will have the opportunity to network internationally and exchange ideas and experiences.
The event will be in English and is free of charge for participants, as it is organised in of the project Empatheatry.
Details about the programme are available here.