On 15 November 2022 the last transnational project meeting was held in Italy. Partners have met in Italy, in the beautiful town of Genoa. Our host was UNIGE, University of Genoa, and the purpose of the meeting was to go through project results and prepare the last details for the final report.
The partners got acquainted with the final results of the project, training in Canva and video material on YouTube. The results of the students’ work and a comparative analysis of the final products/prototypes were presented. Overall, the satisfaction of students with course was very high and they reported an improvement in their enptrereneurial knowledge. Majority of the students reported that they haven’t thought about themselves as entrepreneurs before the course but most of them answered they would like to develop the business idea they have produced during the course. Most of them said that it is probable or very likely they will start a self-employed/entrepreneurial career. Teachers involved in the projet were also satisfied with the results of the project, especially in terms of the contents and materials.
Dissemination activities and other content were presented, which left an impression on the students. The partners ended the meeting with ideas for a follow-up or a new project.