ProjectsACTIVATE: Active Community Participation Training and Resources for People with Functional Diversity

November 1, 2021

Duration: 1. 11. 2021 – 31. 10. 2023

Project reference: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000033696

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In “normal” circumstances, the opportunities that people with functional diversity have available to take an active part in society are already limited, and the pandemics effect has only increased the obstacles for their community participation. The COVID report 2020, by Inclusion Europe, reflects that a lot of people with disabilities were isolated from their families and friends for months during the lockdowns, and as day care centers and support services were closed, their opportunities to socialize and participate decreased significantly.

But, at the same time, the use of digital tools during the pandemic has highlighted their potential to remove barriers and enable more equal participation for everyone. The report “Triple jeopardy: disabled people and the COVID-19 pandemic” published in The Lancelet medical journal, exposes that there have been some positive developments for people with disabilities. When having internet access, they have been able to participate in society as never before, because physical and communication barriers have largely disappeared as education, work, shopping, and many leisure activities have been driven online. Digital participation makes it possible to overcome many of the barriers for community participation, especially the ones linked to functional disability and geographical barriers.

Project objectives

  • E-learning platofom: To train adults with disabilities to enhance their digital skills and competences, so they can promote and participate in community action initiatives and be included in digital society.
  • Toolkit for professionals: To provide professionals working with them with resources and tools so that they can raise their awareness, train them, and support them in their community participation actions seizing the potential of digital tools.

The role of STEP Institute

STEP Institute is actively contributing to all of the outputs of the project.
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